Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Utterly Excited and Slightly Scared

I am on the road for graduation! In 4 months I will be a graduate with a complete portfolio, an even better resume, AND have the chance to study abroad for two weeks!
  I never thought college would be so time consuming and difficult to finish, but now that it is almost over I feel that I have been educated and equipped with most of the tools I need for a world outside of school. Though I have plenty of opportunities ahead of me, I can't help but worry.
"Am I going to get a job I like?" 
"Am I going to get a job at all? "
I find myself everyday looking at jobs, seeing if some company is still offering what I am searching for.
"I constantly ask myself am I doing enough?"
"Have I called enough people?"
"Can I make my resume any better?"
"Who do I need to know to get the job I want?"

I am a planner. Not always an organized planner, but in most cases I like having a plan. There is only so much you can do when looking for a career. You can't "plan" that a company will hire you. This drives me crazy, but that is something I can't control so what should I do?
apply, network, apply, network...... Finding the time to do so? Not to mention that I do not have a completed portfolio right now, nor is my resume updated at all.... (Panic!)

With all of this, I try to keep one thing in mind:
Anytime that I have worked hard for a goal, I eventually achieve that goal.

Then I take a deep breathe and write it down. Getting your thoughts out really helps. :)

Here is my TO DO LIST for Morgan Kestner's career steps
  1. Get a website
  2. Create a Theme for Morgan Kestner as a brand 
    1. What can morgan do for you?
    2. pattern making, illustrations, costume design, fashion design, styling,etc
    3. PUT THIS TOGETHER IN A cohesive manner
  3. Work on my portfolio.
    1. Make time for this EVERY WEEK.
    2. Borrow a good Camera, set up a photo shoot for my designs
    3. FINISH any Designs that are incomplete, make time for this.
  4. Work on my Resume
    1. Develop a new theme for my resume
    2. Update on Fashion Experience
  5. Make connections with people
    1. Talk to friends who are or know someone in the fashion industry.
      1. Send friends your resume to pass it on
  6. Make Business Cards
    1. Develop a theme that says "Morgan Kestner
  7. Develop a market
    1. Costume Designer for Productions, Dance Troupes, Entertainment businesses.
  8. Get CS4 on her computer. 
  9. Apply for jobs, send out resumes to any theater production in Atlanta, follow up.
  11. Oh and graduate. That part is very important. :)
This has been in my mind for a bit. Now I have to follow it!

 If anyone has advice to offer or even if you know any company looking for a fashion design and merchandising graduate, please let me know!

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